Monday, November 12, 2007

Business Plan Update

What, no catchy title? Sorry!

With the amount of time that I spent on my business plan, you would think I would be pleased with the end result. Well, sort of. I did a lot of research and I found plenty of data that allowed me to complete a bare-bones plan. Getting the meat on it is the tough part.

In all that I have read, a mistake would be to complete the business plan and consider it set in stone (er, digital ink?) and forget that the business plan is a living document.

This is especially the case when writing a business plan that involves multiple streams of revenue as I detailed in my last post. Writing for content and selling things on eBay are two very different "products" so the transition between the two can be jarring at times. Nevertheless, I am excited with the prospects and feel closer to success already.

On another note, I am always tempted to click on the Google Ads that line the page, but I think it is taboo to do so. When I read my contract it said that I couldn't ask my readers to click onthe ads and I couldn't click on them repeatedly. I'll have to go back and look at the terms and see if an occasional click is okay.

I'll have another update later!

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